Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fearful/Scary Moment

The scariest moment of my life happened this year on Halloween. I was dressed as Sailor Moon standing in front of my good friend's house on Del Playa. I was drunk, minding my own business when I felt a stinging in my chest. So without looking, I touched where it was stinging and there was a huge needle-like object sticking out of my chest. I freaked out, pulled it out and ran inside my friends house. The first thing I thought is, "I may have AIDS. My life may have just been ruined by some asshole giving me a disease." I ran inside, cleaned out the wound with vodka(classy, I know), took a Vitamin C pill and ran the paramedics. My friend Alessandra was with me and she was freaking out more than I was. She was almost hysterical, screaming at the paramedics to do something. She then told me while she was crying that she would be there for me, "we will work through this together". This?!?!? Don't tell me we will work through this, that implies there is something to work through. The paramedics told me there was nothing I could do until Monday. This was Friday night, and I would have to wait until Monday to go see a doctor because student health is closed on the weekends. I spent the entire weekend thinking I had AIDS until I went to student health on Monday and they informed me that since this was a blowdart and not a syringe, and since the needle was clean, that there was no chance anything was transmitted to me. Thank God. This was by far the scariest moment of my life, and I am thankful that the needle only hit my chest and not my eye or something far worse. I hope that Karma has gotten the best of the nice fellow who decided to make me fear my for my life Fiday-Monday.

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