Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Truth Vs Fiction

Truth in the media is like looking for a pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow. It is literally impossible to showcase any type of information without creating a bias. The information included, left out, what cuts of information are put next to each other all determine the mood and underlying information in the news reports. I have a hard time believing much of what I see on TV news channel networks because while the information they are displaying may be true, there is a ton of information that they do not reveal. So, for example, all over the news are reports of theft, kidnap, and other forms of serious crime. This may create a fear in many homes because all the news is showing is bad stories, or "interesting" stories. My mother is one who believes that if I step outside my front door I will be raped/killed because of all he terrible stories on TV. Since these crimes are not happening where we live, this is an irrational fear. Seeing all the information at once on TV about the terrible things in life lead one to associate the outside world with terrible things, and what the news is not showing is all the good things that happen. Every news station has an unavoidable bias and therefore it is really hard for me to rely on TV for my view of the world.

1 comment:

  1. great reflection! Thanks also for being active in class discussions! :)
