Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happiest/Proudest Moment

I must say that my happiest/proudest moment I can think of recently was Fall Serenades. Serenades is when every sorority goes to every frat and does a dance for them, and the next night every frat goes to every sorority and returns the favor. It is absolutely one of the most fun things I have done at UCSB, and so when the opportunity presented itself, I became the choreographer for my sorority. I choreographed about 4 minutes of dances for a group of very beginner girls, girls who had danced somewhat before, and advanced girls. It took up a ton of my time and energy and it was the best way I could have possibly started off the school year. When we performed we were told by many that we were the best and had the best choreography. Girls came up to me in between each house (We performed this 4 minute dance 10 times in a row!) and thanked me because they said it was the most fun they had ever had. I helped with girl's self esteem, their ability to dance, and gave them an excellent start to UCSB as well as Greek Life. After I did the 10 performances and received tons of praise, I was so happy and proud that I wondered about life as a choreographer. This was the moment I had waited for, and it was worth every second of hard work and uncertainty.

 Desiree- if you want to see this video I can send it in a facebook message.

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