Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chapter 9

An interesting point was made in chapter 9, that all media and art comes from the inability for us to see exactly as everyone else sees. This is what art is, the attempt to make others see as we do with the least miscommunications possible, or making those differences what define us as people. I found that taking a picture with a camera never translates the feeling of the actual moment I am witnessing, which is exactly the point McCloud is making. I find that only with intense editing I can recreate the feeling I want to in the picture, which still does not capture the moment. Is it absolutely impossible to get someone to see exactly as you do? How can we even know that someone will see it our way. I remember when I was little a friend of mine was arguing if an orange headband was yellow or orange. She said it was yellow and I said it was orange. It looked orange to me, but what if it looked yellow to her? And even if it looked yellow, wouldn't she still call it orange because she learned in school that what looked like yellow to her was called orange?I get that I am talking in circles but my point is that we cannot really ever make sure we see the same as everyone, so the important thing is to communicate with each other. I find communication to be extremely important which is why I am doubling in communication and art as my majors. 

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