Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Super Hero

What super hero would I be and why? Wow that's quite the question. I think I would be spiderman because his ability to shoot webs almost trumps the ability to disappear or fly. To be able to climb up buildings and build webs is just the most awesome ability ever. If I were spider man I would build myself a network of tree webs and just hang out miles above everyone else's head all the time. I would invite homies up to my web and just chill like a spider for hours on end.

I understand that with great power comes great responsibility(ha!) so I guess I would save the world as well. I think the first thing I would do is take out all the evil super-power people by putting them in one giant web and having some giant monster eat them all. I would then steal mass amounts of food from Vegas buffets and deliver it to starving countries by sticking myself to air jets. I would be the best superman ever, and it would be awesome.

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